The Printing Museum has a large number of printing presses, all operational. However, only a few are available for printing as the collection is mostly in storage until such time as suitable premises are found. The Museum's imprint, Bedplate Press, has produced a number of books mainly type specimens. It's currently planning three books of World War I Poetry. The Museum also produces a newsletter, Type High.
While the Museum is a happy to consider work of a semi-commercial nature, we recommend our member services below for commercial work.
Member Services
Catherine Adam Photography and Design: Paekakariki, N.Z ., catherineadam.co.nz
Inkiana Press: Graham Judd, Birkenhead, Auckland, N.Z., inkianapress.co.nz
Hipcat Printery: Lawrence Finn, Kyneton, Victoria, Australia, www.hipcatprintery.com
Laserfoil: Tim Morris, Albany, Auckland, N.Z., www.laserfoil.co.nz
Manning Print: Chris Horsham, Bishopdale, Christchurch, N.Z., 027 944-1873
Officina Athelstane: Derek Lamb, Rockhampton, Australia, www.facebook.com/Officina-Athelstane-375346705874776
Sarah Maxey: Paekakariki, Wellington, N.Z ., sarahmaxey.co.nz
Terrie Reddish: Havelock North, N.Z., pencilart@terrie-reddish.co.nz
The Ess Letter: Sara Gorski Kelm, Wellington, N.Z. sara@TheEssLetter.com
Tussockland Letterpress: Maarja Suvi, Wanaka, N.Z. www.tussockland.nz
Typograph.her: Nicole Phillips, Thames , N.Z ., www.typographher.com/typographher
Waimea Print: Sean Harnetty, Richmond, Nelson, N.Z., www.waimeaprint.co.nz
Windmill Press: Christina Drummond, Awapuni, Palmerston North, N.Z., www.windmillpress.co.nz
Pakohe Quality Papers: Marilyn and Marty Vreede, Wanganui, N.Z. www.pakohe.co.nz
Bookbinding Etc.: Andrew Rotherham, Wellington, N.Z ., www.bookbindingetc2017.co.nz
Peacock Bindery: Susan Peacock, Wellington, N.Z., www.peacockbindery.co.nz
Terrie Reddish: Havelock North, N.Z., pencilart@terrie-reddish.co.nz
Artisan Screen Prints: Miramar, Wellington, N.Z. www.artisanscreenprints.co.nz
Microfilm Digital Print: Wigram, Christchurch, N.Z. www.digitalprint.co.nz
Ramsey Margolis, (writing, editing, proof reading): Roseneath, Wellington, N.Z. ramsey@3531.nz
© The Printing Museum 2014
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